Social + Learning Pods

Launched in 2020-21, the Social+ Learning Pods are designed to empower learners to own their education and practice key skills for academic success. Through weekly virtual check-ins and engaging activities, learners will meet weekly online in small pods to share their learning journeys together, and encourage each other. During this time when we are unable to be together physically, we are here to support each other on our self-directed learning paths.

Social+Learning Pods for Kids (7-9 year-olds)

In our pods, we will focus on making learning fun! We build excitement together and support each other in our homeschool learning. Together we will discover new ways to explore your interests and build skills to be a self-directed learner.

Sample of Topics Covered in Learning Pods
Growth Mindset
Open Projects
Resilience and Grit
Creative Thinking
Communication Skills

Social+Learning Pods for Tweens (10-12 year-olds)

In our weekly learning pods, we will build skills to be independent learners who take responsibility for our own learning in a fun, encouraging environment. Through team check-ins, we will stay on-track in our homeschool learning, and build skills to help you take charge of your education.

Sample of Topics Covered in Tween Learning Pods
Study Skills
Time Management
Creative Thinking
Communication Skills

Social+Learning Pods for Teens (13+)

Social+Learning Pods are designed to help teens empower each other to own their education and support each other on their unique learning paths. Through weekly check-ins and engaging activities, teens will have the opportunity to keep track of their independent studies, set goals, learn to organize and prioritize. You will have the chance to explore strategies for academic and personal success.

Sample of Topics Covered in Teen Learning Pods
Real Life Skills
Study Skills
Time Management
Communication Skills

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